Be Positive!

My blog focuses on 3 different areas: digital marketing, business, and life. Sure, a majority of my blogs are about digital marketing, but I truly believe that bringing in different perspectives is helpful too. I shared a blog post with my i-Empower community this week about finding solace in turbulent times. (you can check out this blog post here.) In that blog post, I discuss ways to navigate during these difficult times in our society. This week I want to share a similar message with my Bay Rock community.

In the past few years, we’ve gone through some pretty turbulent times. It’s no secret that these crazy times had an impact on us in many different ways. It can be difficult to maintain ourselves when there’s so much negativity going around in our society. I shared sharted the following pointers

Unplug: Back when the radio first came out, it was a big deal to huddle the family around and hear what the president was talking about. When TV became available to people, you had more access to what was going on in the world but you still had to wait to be in front one. But now we have devices with 24/7 news constantly entering our minds. It can be extremely easy to let this consume us. We are also faced with a lot of misinformation which just exacerbates the stress. Sometimes it’s good just to unplug and take a break from it all. Spend some time in nature or revisit an old hobby to take a break from the constant fear.

Find your Tribe: Finding the right people is extremely important in times like this. I’m very thankful that I have a positive group of people I can trust. To be clear, we come from various backgrounds and have different views, but it doesn’t matter. I firmly believe no relationship is worth losing over disagreeing on subjects like politics, yet I see it happening over and over again. During times like this, it’s more important than ever to connect with meaningful people. Have fun, hang out, see a show, grab some dinner, and make good memories. And as difficult as it is(it’s tough for me too) try not to be on the phone too much! Get a group together and be the positive change.

I hope this gave some insight into how to maintain mental health during some scary times. Keep in mind, we’ve been experiencing tragedies and hardships for centuries but this is different. I don’t care what anyone says, no one’s ever lived through a time like this before and we’re seeing some new human behaviors. People will go to extreme lengths to show how much they disagree. We are rapidly becoming desensitized to what’s going on. Do what works best for you and your family to navigate through these crazy times!

Like I said in the beginning, sometimes I feel it’s necessary to share life messages with this community, and this week was one of those weeks. I see so many people burnt out, frustrated, scared, and sad. While it’s impossible to stay positive all the time, trying to stay away from negativity is very helpful for our mental health. Let’s take time this weekend to do something positive!


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