Amplify your Email Marketing!

Emails are an effective way to communicate with your audience. Business owners can do so much with an email such as selling or newsletters. However, it's important to pay attention to the strategies you use. Here's a few ways to do that.

First, you have to understand the voice of your email. I did a previous blog on that which you can check out here. Are you taking a sales-driven approach? Are you trying to educate your audience? Or are you using this to update your current customers? Maybe this is just a place for you to talk about your brand. Establishing this before starting will help you help you gain traction in sending out emails.

Once you figure out the messaging of your emails comes the creation part. Platforms such as Mailchimp, Flodesk and Constant Contact make the process easier by providing templates. You can choose a template that best matches the vibe of your brand and start creating it! It’s good to include your logo for brand identity, as well as other visuals. Also, including branding colors will help you to continue to represent your brand. Think about the content and its length. You know your audience, do they want longer or shorter text? Will they understand highly industry-specific language or is it more directed general audience? Even if your emails aren’t that sales-oriented, there should also be CTA’s so subscribers can further interact with your business.

After you create and send out the emails, it’s important to analyze reports. Who is opening your emails? Are you getting anyone responding? What about unsubscribes? What does the click-through rate look like? What times work best? Sometimes the platform will suggest times that work and you can schedule it, but other times you can just figure it out. What about conversion rates? What email addresses bounced?

I hope this helped provide some background on email marketing. This can be a good marketing strategy for your business. Customers like to hear from you and see what’s going on in your business. If you’d like some support with this, please reach out to


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