All About SSL Certificates
SSL stands for “secure socket locator.” SSL certificates are given to websites as a security measure. You may not know SSL certificates, but you’ve all seen the symbols on the address bar. A site with an active SSL certificate will say “https” and have a lock icon. This blog will cover what they are and why they are needed.
These certificates enable encryption between web browsers and servers and protect sensitive information such as credit cards and passwords. Hackers lurk online, so it’s vital to have protection. Having one allows your visitors to trust your site and helps with SEO. Although many people may not know the ins and outs, visitors expect site security. In addition, sites without proper security rank less on Google.
Some types of SSL certificates include domain validation, single domain, extended validation, and wildcard. These can all vary depending on needs and benefits and the domain being protected. This site will provide you with more information on the different types. Lastly, the cost can vary. However, typically, the certificates cost $60 per year.
I hope this helped provide some background information on this Technical SEO topic. The SEO world can be overwhelming, and some of it, although beneficial, isn’t always necessary. However, this concept is required for site success. If you want to learn more about how SSL certificates can benefit your site, don't hesitate to contact