How to Organize Your Life and Business?
I’m often asked how I manage it all. My non-entrepreneur friends are amazed at how I can run a business as a one-woman show, spend quality time with family and friends, and make time for self-care. It takes a lot of work and is an ongoing work in progress. But in almost three years of doing this, I’ve found effective ways to navigate it. Here’s how:
Honestly, in the beginning, it was extremely hard. Let me bring you back. It was November 2020, I just turned 25 years old. and I was happy to have my own money. As you know, earlier that year we were under quarantine. I really missed going out(nothing crazy just lunch, dinner, or coffee at a local place with friends). However, I had a brand newly launched business, with clients and my own marketing to take care of.
I often found myself in this tug-of-war between business and social time. If I stayed home to work, I’d feel like I was missing out and if I went out, I felt guilty for neglecting my business. This thinking often sent me into a whirlwind of feeling like I wasn’t making the right choices.
So that’s the point: entrepreneurship is a whirlwind, and sometimes it seems impossible to control. But there are ways to work around it to make it less overwhelming for you and those around you.
Writing things down has been extremely beneficial to me. We live in an age of overstimulation, and it can be difficult to organize our own thoughts. Take the time to handwrite or type objectives, goals, problems, inspiration, gratitude, and what you have to look forward to. Draw out charts of past progress and write roadmaps for future goals.
This ties into balance. The truth is, your business, family, friends, and yourself are all very important. It is key that you make balanced time for all of it. I’ve found that I can actually be more productive after spending time with people and taking time for self-care. Always be ambitious but don’t burn yourself out. Really. Don’t just say, really don’t do it.
I hope this helped give some feedback on how to organize your life a little bit more! I get it, this life is crazy but staying organized will make it a lot easier. If you’d like to come up with a plan on how to get your digitalization in order, please reach out to