How to Maintain a Strong Google Presence!

So you have a business and a Google profile but something is not aligning. Let’s face it, we’re constantly googling. I wrote a blog on this a few months ago and it continues to be an ongoing discussion I have with my clients. It is super important to have an optimized Google profile. But how do you maintain that?

As business owners, we know things change such as hours, phone numbers and even addresses! It is key that all this is up to date. Go visit your own profile every so often to make sure it’s all updated. Sometimes it can be easy to overlook this.

Your potential customers love to look at your photos. It is good to have as much of a variety of photos as you can, as well as recent photos. This is a good opportunity to show customers in a visual way what your brand is all about. I suggest including photos of your logo, displays of work you’ve done and even some headshots.

Reviews are very useful. Businesses will get a mix of reviews. While it feels like there’s not much you can do about negative reviews, responding to your positive and negative reviews can have an impact.

Sometimes people are looking for more from a business. Depending on what type of business you have such a restaurant, you might want to pay attention to things like your wheelchair accessibility. Another thing business owners can add on Google is if the place is good for kids and pet friendly.

Google allows business owners to really define their audience and vibe. A business can choose from things about how they attract such as the LGBTQ+ and transgender communities, college students, tourists and groups. The business owner can also share information about themselves such as if they’re women-owned or veteran-owned.

It is key that you provide as much as you can. Information about appointments, service options, atmosphere, amenities, price range and payments are all good points to have updated and share. Remember, people don't like to be surprised or hassled with calling and asking these questions. Make it as easy as you can with a through and updated Google presence!

If you’re concerned about your Google profile, please reach out to me at on ways to optimize it!


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